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Can you specify the format of lastmodifieddate

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:19 pm
by dhuesman
I'd like to format the last modified date to a Julian date (default is *ISO). I know with the current date you can specify the format "yyDDD" or perhaps "yyyyDDD" but I'm wanting to compare that to the lastmodifieddate attribute from a file. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

NOTE: I cannot connect to an iSeries to do this date math with SQL...

Re: Can you specify the format of lastmodifieddate

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:03 am
by Support_Rick

Try this formatting and see if it works for you...
Code: Select all
<project name="Read LastModifiedDate" mainModule="Main" version="2.0">

	<module name="Main">

		<createFileList label="Read File List" fileListVariable="MyFileList" version="1.0">
			<fileset dir="C:\Temp" />

		<forEachLoop label="Loop through Files" itemsVariable="${MyFileList}" currentItemVariable="ThisFile">

			<setVariable label="SetVar: yyyy" name="yyyy" value="${ Substring( ThisFile:lastModifiedDate, 1, 4 ) }" version="2.0" />
			<setVariable label="SetVar: mm" name="mm" value="${ Substring( ThisFile:lastModifiedDate, 6, 2 ) }" version="2.0" />
			<setVariable label="SetVar: dd" name="dd" value="${ Substring( ThisFile:lastModifiedDate, 9, 2 ) }" version="2.0" />

			<timestamp version="1.0">
				<format outputVariable="JulDate" pattern="yyDDD" dayOfMonth="${dd}" month="${mm}" year="${yyyy}" />

			<print label="(Status) Print File Info" version="1.0">
File Name:  ${ThisFile:name}
File Date:  ${ThisFIle:lastModifiedDate}
yyyy:  ${yyyy}
mm:  ${mm}
dd:  ${dd}
JulDate:  ${JulDate}


Joblog should look like this...
Code: Select all
Executing task 'print 1.0 ((Status) Print File Info)'
File Name:  1.jpg
File Date:  2013-01-14 09:22:15.184
yyyy:  2013
mm:  01
dd:  14
JulDate:  13014
Finished task 'print 1.0 ((Status) Print File Info)'

Executing task 'print 1.0 ((Status) Print File Info)'
File Name:  11.jpg
File Date:  2013-05-20 09:05:03.477
yyyy:  2013
mm:  05
dd:  20
JulDate:  13140
Finished task 'print 1.0 ((Status) Print File Info)'

Re: Can you specify the format of lastmodifieddate

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:37 am
by dhuesman
Worked great Rick ~ Thank You.