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ERROR Could not find or load main class com.linoma.goanywhere.upgrader.Startup

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 2:51 pm
by Support_Philip

When I attempt to run the upgrade it is failing with the error: Could not find or load main class com.linoma.goanywhere.upgrader.Startup. How can i successfully run the upgrade and resolve this error?


This error can occur under a couple different circumstances:
  • The installer was downloaded rather than the upgrade file
  • The upgrade file is corrupt
  • The command prompt window was not run as administrator(Windows Only)
In the first two scenarios the upgrade file should be downloaded and placed in the upgrade directory as outlined in the upgrade guide. To determine if the file is corrupt compare the size of the file to the one in the portal. Additionally, when running the upgrade the "run as administrator" option should be selected when executing the command prompt.