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ForEachLoop with rowsets

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 1:42 am
by Shoma_Costco

I have a read xml task that reads an xml file and output data into a rowset variable with columns defined like the xml file. I created a ForEachLoop with Items Variable as name of the rowset ${Tokens} and Current Item Variable as Row. But when I execute my project, the ForEachLoop ends with the below message:
(Read xml task completes successfully, but the Loop encounter an error)

Job Log

5/28/14 4:33:36 PM INFO Executing task 'xmlRead 1.0 (Read Tokens)'
5/28/14 4:33:36 PM INFO Data parsed successfully and the rowset variable(s) 'Tokens' were created
5/28/14 4:33:36 PM INFO Finished task 'xmlRead 1.0 (Read Tokens)'
5/28/14 4:33:36 PM INFO Entering loop 'forEachLoop'
5/28/14 4:33:44 PM INFO Finished project 'AUTO_RNW_REG'
5/28/14 4:33:44 PM ERROR [9006 - Read Tokens] When building rowset "Tokens", the root element did not match in the file "smb://dta05100p03/General/iSeries Downloads - Test/AUTO_RNW/SoapResponse/TokenResponse.xml".
com.linoma.dpa.runtime.JobFailedException: [9006 - Read Tokens] When building rowset "Tokens", the root element did not match in the file "smb://dta05100p03/General/iSeries Downloads - Test/AUTO_RNW/SoapResponse/TokenResponse.xml".
at Source)

Re: ForEachLoop with rowsets

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:45 am
by Support_Rick
Reading the XML file is just a matter of utilizing a Well-Formed XML file and identifying the path to the values you need to retrieve.

The example that was sent for the ResponseCode/ResponseMessage ... would look something like this:
Code: Select all
<project name="ReadXML" mainModule="Main" version="2.0" logLevel="debug">

       <module name="Main">

              <xmlRead label="Read Response XML" file="C:\Users\relliott\Documents\Customers\Gensys\TokenResponse2.xml" defaultTrim="both" version="1.0" logLevel="verbose" disabled="false">
                     <rowset name="response" nestedSharedValues="false">
                           <column index="1" value="/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/GetRecentlyModifiedTokensResponse/response/ResponseCode"    name="ResponseCode" />
                           <column index="2" value="/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/GetRecentlyModifiedTokensResponse/response/ResponseMessage" name="ResponseMessage" />

              <forEachLoop label="Display Responses" itemsVariable="${response}" currentItemVariable="currentItem" beginIndex="1" endIndex="1" logLevel="debug" disabled="false">

                     <setVariable label="Set ResponseCode"    name="ResponseCode"     value="${currentItem[1]}" version="2.0" />
                     <setVariable label="Set ResponseMessage" name="ResponseMessage"  value="${currentItem[2]}" version="2.0" />

                     <print label="Show Information" version="1.0">
ResponseCode:     ${ ResponseCode }
ResponseMessage:  ${ ResponseMessage }


This is based on the XML file as such:
Code: Select all
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetRecentlyModifiedTokensResponse xmlns="urn:Eve_1_4_4">
      <GetRecentlyModifiedTokensResult />
        <ResponseMessage>invalid login</ResponseMessage>
The Job Log from the execution of this project looks like this:
Code: Select all
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Executing module 'Main'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Executing task 'xmlRead 1.0 (Read Response XML)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Data parsed successfully and the rowset variable(s) 'response' were created
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Finished task 'xmlRead 1.0 (Read Response XML)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Entering loop 'forEachLoop (Display Responses)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      [Read Response XML] Rowset "response" is beginning to process file "C:\Users\relliott\Documents\Customers\Gensys\TokenResponse2.xml".
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Executing task 'setVariable 2.0 (Set ResponseCode)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Variable 'ResponseCode' was created and set to 'ERROR'.
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Finished task 'setVariable 2.0 (Set ResponseCode)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Executing task 'setVariable 2.0 (Set ResponseMessage)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Variable 'ResponseMessage' was created and set to 'invalid login'.
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Finished task 'setVariable 2.0 (Set ResponseMessage)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Executing task 'print 1.0 (Show Information)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      ===============================================
                                        ResponseCode:  ERROR
                                        ResponseMessage:  invalid login
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Finished task 'print 1.0 (Show Information)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Exiting loop 'forEachLoop (Display Responses)'
06/02/2014 09:41:21           INFO      Finished module 'Main'
Please let us know if you have any other questions...

Re: ForEachLoop with rowsets

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:24 am
by Shoma_Costco
Thanks, that helped a lot.

Re: ForEachLoop with rowsets

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:06 pm
by Shoma_Costco
I did the above, but except for Row[1], all other values are returning as null. Eg. Row[2] , Row[3]..Row[28]. But I do have data in the input xml file for Row[2] and many other elements in the rowset. Please help.

Re: ForEachLoop with rowsets

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:46 am
by Shoma_Costco
I found out the error, it was a typo on the xml path to get the data.