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How do I increment a number at the end of a filename?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:51 pm
by Support_Duane
Here is an example project for an iSeries. It can be modified to run using almost any other database server.
Code: Select all
<project name="TEST SQL using QTEMP" mainModule="Main" version="1.0">

	<module name="Main" logLevel="debug">

			<format outputVariable="cymd" pattern="yyyyMMdd" />

		<createFileList label="Count Files" numFilesFoundVariable="filesFound">
			<fileset dir="/djohnson/outfile">
					<include pattern="prefix_${cymd}_*" />

		<sql label="SQL" resourceId="Dev61">
			<query label="create table">
				<statement>create table qtemp.filecount (files NUM(3))</statement>
			<query label="insert count value" whenNoDataFound="continue">
				<statement>INSERT INTO qtemp.filecount(files) values(${filesFound} + 1)</statement>
			<query label="Get File_Count" outputVariable="File_Count">
				<statement>SELECT  case                                      
                               When files < 10     then &apos;00&apos; 
                               When files < 100    then &apos;0&apos;  
                       concat trim(char(files)) from qtemp.filecount</statement>

		<setVariable name="FileCount" value="${File_Count[1]}" />

		<setVariable label="initialize file name" name="fileName" value="prefix_${cymd}_${FileCount}.zip" />

		<copy label="Copy File" sourceFile="/source_path/filename" 
destFile="/destination_path/${fileName}" whenFileExists="overwrite" />


To give it a try to see how it works, change the name of the source_path and filename and the destination path and change the prefix if desired.