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Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:43 am
by srapp

I am having issues with one of my jobs running when only a part of the file has been sent to my FTP site.

Currently I have a trigger running which is looking for a file to be FTP'd before then calling a job in GA Director to do basic things such as rename, move and delete the file. The file is about 8 megs and what seems to happen is the job is getting kicked off and trying to run against a file that is incomplete. So rather than the job trying to run against a filename of ABC123.CSV it is running against ABC123.CSV.filepart

Is there a way for either the trigger or the project itself to wait to ensure that the file has been completely uploaded prior to it running? I have already tried the "Delay Task" but that does not seem to work.


Re: Problem

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:10 pm
by Support_Rick

Triggers are only executed when an event happens. (Successful upload, login unsuccessful, etc). It doesn't "monitor" a folder. I mention this as I don't want users to be misled.

If you have a Trigger defined looking for files to be uploaded to your system (which I believe is the situation you are describing) then this is triggered based on the successful upload of a file to your system. The issue is being identified by the ".filepart".

The "event" that is happening is that "ABC123.CSV.filepart" is being uploaded. By time the trigger is responding, the source system is renaming the "ABC123.CSV.filepart" to "ABC123.CSV"

If this is the case, you have a couple of things to consider.

1- Ask your trading partner to NOT send the file with ".filepart" (This is a setting on their software)
2- When your trigger event is activated and you're processing the file through a WorkFlow, just "assume" the ".filepart" isn't there. (remove it from the file name you're looking for) then process the "ABC123.CSV".
3- When the trigger is activated, generate a filelist of the folder from the WorkFlow ... which should not find the "ABC123.CSV.filepart" file ... then process what it finds.

Re: Problem

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:43 am
by falak
I have issue with moving files together.
I want to move all files from web.So I make trigger "uploads file successful" and call project that delays 30s and move files to second machine, but when i uploaded 3,4 files together ,some files move but not all.

Re: Problem

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:02 pm
by Support_Rick
There is several ways you can handle this...

1st, the trigger will activate based on "EACH" file being uploaded successfully. So, you could just have your project move each file as they are received.
2nd, you could just point the inbound folder to the destination server (UNC address?) and just have the user place the file into the final destination without moving it.
3rd, You could have your project generate a list of the folder after each upload... but only copy/move when the number of files needed have arrived.