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System Alerts

System Alerts Ever have an SSL Certificate expire on you and bring your communication to a halt? I have … What about system clustering changes over the weekend that need addressing? Yep! That too… GoAnywhere MFT helps administer the product like notifying you when “things” happen with your MFT soft...

Re: FTPS connection using SSL cert for login


This could just be a configuration issue. Can you send in screen shots of what you're trying to accomplish and where you are getting this error message?

Send them to: [email protected]

Someone can help you with this.

Re: File renaming pattern

Guyzer, This has been requested by several other customers to handle that type of rename for linux users. If we could get you to fill out an Enhancement Request asking for this enhancement, this could possibly be included with a future release. Please contact our support group to request the Enhance...

Re: FTPS ports

Markus, Are you connecting through a Gateway? If so, the Passive Port Range associated to the Gateway Service will preclude anything in the configuration in GAMFT. This means, if you took the defaults during setup for the Gateway, it is pre-defined at 30000-32000. You will have to tweak this range f...

Re: Agents - Are they secrete?


Try reviewing this link from the website about Agents.


Re: HTTPS Download as Zip

Ashford, The download as zip option allows you to download any file/folder as a zip file... but, if you're not allowed (by permission) to download the file, it just creates an empty Zip File. So, the Permissions are adhered to and does not allow a file/folder to be downloaded, even if they get an em...

Re: SMTP And IMAP settings

This would be a question for your Exchange Admin.

GA allows you to connect whether it's "Normal" "Implicit" or "Explicit"... just determine which is needed and use.

Re: unzipping uploaded files

I thought we answered this for you .. but, do you still need help with it? In a nutshell ... Receive the file(s) via Secure Forms loop through the FileList uploaded (to process one at a time) Check to see if file is a "zip" / "compressed" file. If it is, go through unzip function...

Re: How do I tell when a user last signed in?


If you connect to the GAMFT Database and query the Web User table for last login-date, you could retrieve a list (rowset) of Web Users that haven't logged in since "X" date.

Will that help?

Re: Fail to create CVSrowset

You're using the Rowset Value incorrectly. The way you're using it is as a pointer (thus the "" value) Try setting the contents of the CSV to a variable named "FileContents" like this: <setVariable name="FileConte...