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Since the DST started, my GoAnywhere scheduler is 1 hour off

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:39 pm
by Support_Julie
Since the DST started, my GoAnywhere scheduler is 1 hour off.
The iSeries system value for time zone is correct.

The GoAnywhere Scheduler gets the time from java.

First check to see if there is a SystemDefault.Properties file in /qibm/userdata/Java400

WRKLNK '/qibm/userdata/Java400'

If that file exists, then add a line to it to tell java what time zone you are in.

user.TimeZone= America/New York

This will tell java for the entire system that the time zone is America/New York

How do I find out what Time Zone to use in the user.TimeZone=
statemenent for the SystemDefault.Properties file.

If you do not want to change it for the entire system.... then

Find out what user id starts GoAnywhere. (i.e. GOANYWHO)

Then find the 'home directory' of that user profile.
5 to Display
page down five or six times times & look for

Home directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : /HOME/GOANYWHO

copy the text file you created called SystemDefault.Properties to the IFS home directory. In this case we mapped a drive to the IFS & copied the text file to /HOME/GOANYWHO

Restart the GoAnywhere Subsystem.

Here's a link that describes the user.timezone settings in Java: ... wg21256531

Previously you used to be able to specify 'user.timezone=CST' for Central
Time, but now you need to use 'user.timezone=America/Chicago'