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Transfer files to cloud storage?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:07 pm
by wals_ee
Hi, Does it possible to create a project to automate the process of archiving data to public cloud storage like Dropbox, Google Drive, & Skydrive pro?

Re: Transfer files to cloud storage?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:22 pm
by Support_Jon
Although we do not have any direct integrations with those tools specifically, there are several options available for you within GoAnywhere Director to accomplish this need.

Option 1 – Use a Command Line Interface API through GoAnywhere Director to sync files to the cloud
If your cloud storage provider such as Dropbox has a Command Line interface for working with your storage then you can do so through Director. With the use of projects within GoAnywhere Director you have the ability to setup an Execute Native Command task to run on the system with which you have installed GoAnywhere Director.

With this task, native commands can be executed on the system on which GoAnywhere Director is running. For instance, on Windows platforms, this task could run batch (.bat) and executable files. On Linux and Unix platforms, this task could run shell scripts. In addition, one or more arguments can be passed to the command as Variables or constant values.

Option 2 – Use Custom Tasks within GoAnywhere Director to sync files to the cloud
We have existing APIs in place to allow users to build their own custom tasks that can be used within GoAnywhere director. If you would like more information on this approach please send an email to [email protected] requesting more information on Custom Tasks.

Option 3 – Install the cloud syncing tool and let GoAnywhere Director use that file location to sync files
If you install the syncing tool for the cloud storage option of choice on the system where GoAnywhere director is installed, you can just point to that folder on the system and push/pull files from there and allow its own syncing process to handle it.

Re: Transfer files to cloud storage?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:05 pm
by wals_ee

Thanks for your reply, for option 3 you must be referring to example Dropbox agent install on GA Director and leverage on the path to sync, this option will not meet my approach as i want to reduce storage size.

I have send a email to support on your advice of option 2, hopefully it will meet my requirement. thanks