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HTTPS Task With CDATA in XML Response

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  • jbeekman Offline
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HTTPS Task With CDATA in XML Response

Post by jbeekman »

I'm using the HTTPS Task and postRawData to send a SOAP request which responds with a SOAP envelope that contains a CDATA text value in the body. The response gets written to a file with the CDATA tags removed and the ensuing text encoded for XML, ie. '<' becomes '<' and '>' becomes '>'.

Is there a way for the task to preserve the response exactly as it is returned, with the CDATA block unmodified?

I appreciate the help!

Expected Response:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ManualInvoiceResponse xmlns="">
<ManualInvoiceResult><![CDATA[<ResultDetails><Status>Failure</Status><Errors><Error>Contract not found</Error></Errors></ResultDetails>]]></ManualInvoiceResult>

Response as written by HTTPS Task:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ManualInvoiceResponse xmlns="">
<ManualInvoiceResult><ResultDetails><Status>Failure</Status><Errors><Error>Contract not found</Error></Errors></ResultDetails></ManualInvoiceResult>

Task Configuration:
<https label="ManualInvoice Web Service" resourceId="TotalSafety WebServices" version="1.0" disabled="false">
<postRawData label="Post ManualInvoice SOAP Request" uri="${look.uri}" inputFile="${ManualInvoice.RequestFile}" contentType="text/xml;charset=UTF-8" readTimeout="240" responseBodyDestination="file" responseBodyFile="${Invoice.Directory}\invoice-response.xml" whenResponseBodyFileExists="overwrite" responseHeadersDestination="joblog" responseBodyFileVariable="ManualInvoice.RequestFile">
<header name="SOAPAction" value="" />