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How to DEBUG a project

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:21 pm
by Support_Julie
How to DEBUG a project

When working with a failing project, set the log level to debug to retrieve the most amount of information. (see forum link) how-to-set-project-log-level-1113#p2473

After executing the project, click on the “View Job Log” link to view the log information.

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If needed, secondary error logs will be written out. You can access these logs by clicking on the drop-down next to the log number.

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Adding PRINT tasks to job log

One debugging technique is to add PRINT tasks to your project.
In my project, I have a variable called var1. In the PRINT task, you can reference that variable.

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When you execute the project, it will be displayed in the job log.

A Rowset value cannot be printed. You will need to save the value to a variable first. For example, if you have an output rowset called ${data} and you want to print the value of the third field to the job log, first set a variable. Then use the new variable in your PRINT task. For var2, the value will be ${data[3]}. Then in the PRINT task, reference ${var2}.

The variable syntax is ${RowsetName[x]} where x is the column that you want to reference.

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Debug button

To test your logic, click on the “Debug” button to step thru your project one task at a time.

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This particularly helpful in stepping thru your project logic. As you step thru the project, the values for your variables will be updated.


After your project is working as you intend, remember to set the log level back to your normal setting.