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Web User Group that specify user individual directory

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:52 am
by JamesLSEG

Is it possible to create web user groups that can be granted to user so it will provide virtual directory unique that user.

Web Group 1 =

Web Group 2 =

Company1 (member of group 1 and 2) need to see the below

Company2 (member of group 2) need to see the below

Company 1 and 2 see there individual directory for product 1.


Re: Web User Group that specify user individual directory

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:18 pm
by Support_Andy
It is possible to create Web User Group as laid out.
A web user group has a default home directory that includes the username.
(i.e. Install Dir/userdata/webdocs/”domain name”/”webusername”)
To split out user groups by company would make the most sense in this scenario.
Company A Web User Group
  • 1. Create a Web User Template for Company A.
    Set General permissions for this Company in the template
    2. Create a Web User Group for Company A
    In the Folders Tab Select the + Add to create a Virtual Folder
    Alias = Company A
    Path = “${homeDirectory}\CompanyA”
    Grant List Permissions Only
    3. On the Company A Folder Select the + Add to create a sub folder
    Alias = Product1
    Virtual Directory Path = “${homeDirectory}\CompanyA\Product1”
    Grant List Permissions Only
    4. On the Product1 Folder Select the+ Add to create a sub folder to Product1
    Alias = In
    Virtual Directory Path = “${homeDirectory}\CompanyA\Product1\In”
    Grant List, Download, Upload, Delete Files Permissions
    5. On the Product1 Folder Select the+ Add to create a sub folder to Product1
    Alias = Out
    Virtual Directory Path = “${homeDirectory}\CompanyA\Product1\Out”
    Grant List, Download, Upload, Delete Files Permissions
    6. Repeat Steps b - d and replace Product 1 with Product 2 to create the same pattern as Product 1
    7. Assign Web User Group A to the Template Created in Step 1
    8. When creating new Web Users there will be a prompt for which Web User Template to select. Select the Company the user belongs to.
  • For Company B Create a Web User Template with a Company B Web User Group that follows the same pattern

    The Web user experience will be the following
    User will sign into the Web Client
    User will expand Company Name
    User will expand Product(1 or 2)
    User will select the In or Out folder
    User will upload/download/delete files.
    User cannot upload download in any other folder they expand through only on the In/Out folder level

Re: Web User Group that specify user individual directory

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:10 am
by JamesLSEG
Yes managed to do using the homedirectoy variable.

I have noticed that when web user are deleted it leaves there home directory and structure on filesystem. Is there a way to clean up deleted web user home directories?

The issue is when a new web user gest created using the same username there home directory is the deleted users home directory which might have files from deleted user usage.


Re: Web User Group that specify user individual directory

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:08 pm
by Support_Andy
When deleting Web Users there are 3 steps in the Delete task (Disable Web User, Delete Home Directories, Delete Web User Accounts)

On the second step the User Name must be selected with a checkmark to delete the home directory and any files in that directory.
This is an optional step. If the next button is just pressed on steps 1-3 without selecting the box next to the User Name the directory and files within are not removed.