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Which GoAnywhere services use SSL?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:46 am
by Support_Alisa

I am hosting GoAnywhere services and need to replace an expiring SSL certificate. Which of my services use SSL to secure the connection with the client?


The following GoAnywhere services utilize SSL -
  • FTP
  • FTPS
  • GoFast
  • Agents
Each service listed above has an SSL certificate tied to the service listener. You can update the certificates for the HTTPS/AS2/AS3/AS4, FTP, FTPS, and GoFast services by clicking the wheel cog next to the service name, clicking 'Edit' and navigating to the 'SSL' tab of the service listener. The Agent certificate can be updated by clicking the wheel cog next to the service name and selecting 'Configure Service Certificate.'

For more information on how to update an SSL certificate, please see this detailed article that walks through generating a new certificate and replacing the certificate in the listener - how-to-renew-expiring-ssl-certificate-1257