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Re: Closed without indication

The most common issue with FTP/S resources to fail with the "Closed without indication" is the resource is not set to passive and implicit.
Set to Implicit SSL on the resource
Set to Implicit SSL on the resource
implicit SSL.jpg (23.57 KiB) Viewed 81371 times
Use passive mode on the resource
Use passive mode on the resource
use_passive_mode.jpg (23.67 KiB) Viewed 81371 times

Could not establish trust chain

Error: "Could not establish trust chain. Please make sure you have the CA root certificate and any intermediate certificates loaded in the key store and try again." This error occurs when trying to import a CA Reply to a key pair in GoAnywhere. This is indicating the Root and Intermediate ...

SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Failed to read binary packet data!

If an SFTP client reports this error and is unable to connect to GoAnywhere's SFTP Service after turning on FIPS 140-2 Mode, this may be a side effect of running the SFTP Service with too small of a key size. The SFTP Service must have a key size minimum of 2048. Please see the following article for...

S3 bucket upload task exceeds the 5GB Limit

S3 bucket upload task exceeds the 5GB Limit Possble Error in Log: Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed size (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: EntityTooLarge; Request ID: XXX). Full stack trace written to '#####_error_1.log' AWS size limit 5TB.

Command INSTALLGA in library QTEMP not found

When installing GoAnywhere to an Iseries the INSTALLGA command is run from the QTEMP Library. This will not execute if the user profile does not have ALLOBJ authority as specified in step 1 of the instructions. This may also happen if the wrong library is selected. (Message will be slightly differen...

Error: Failed to decrypt the password specified for attribute 'password' in element 'sql'

This error may present when a SQL resource is utilized in a project and that project has an override on the SQL task. GoAnywhere now requires encryption on the passwords. Legacy connections may not have been encrypted, but as soon as the resource has any modifications done to it, even though it was ...

SQL Read Timed Out, Connection reset by peer: socket write error, java.sql.SQLException: Already Closed

Question: I am receiving errors in the application log stating "SQL Read Timed Out", "Connection reset by peer: socket write error", and "java.sql.SQLException: Already Closed". Answer: These errors are indicative of the back-end database server handing out a stale con...

ERROR Unable to process item from the 'NEWS & TIPS' feed

Problem: Due to strict firewall rules MFT may not be able to get permanent MFT license or add additional features by clicking "Refresh". This also impacts the ability of the dashboard to grab "NEWS &TIPS" Fix 1: Allow the GoAnywhere server access to and goan...

Re: How to remove a specific repeatedly uploaded file?

There are several ways to handle these unwanted files. Attached is a basic project that lists out the directory and then uses a For Each Loop to loop through each file looking for a file named ‘thumbs.db’, if it detects the file it deletes it. You can then use the else condition to do your normal ta...

FTPS Resource Error: Connection closed without indication

FTPS Resource Here are the most common attributes to set on a FTPS Resource in GoAnywhere to resolve a "Connection closed without indication" error Basic Tab Host = Partner's External IP or DNS Port = 990 User = Username Password = Password Connection Tab Use Passive Mode = Yes SSL Tab Con...